I attended the 2024 Master Bator Convention in Pittsburgh, PA (MBC2024) and it was awesome! People were friendly; it was well-organized; I had fun and I even learned a lot! I highly recommend attending next year’s (August… exact dates TBD). For more info visit https://masterbatorconvention.com

Here’s my travel-log.


This is the second year of MBC. I was told last year sold about 55 tickets and this year sold about 300.

Ticket packages single-day tickets plus 4-day VIP+ Pass that included in/out privileges all day for events including 24/7 access to the Club Pitt venue, bar events, benefit show, goodie bag, cum rag, a convention t-shirt & more! There was a slightly less expensive VIP Lite pass that didn’t include the goodie bag.

FYI: While 300 sounds large, the event never felt crowded. It may have been 300 tickets, but there was enough going on at any given time that the events/sessions/whatevers generally had 30-75 people. I’m sure a lot of people, like myself, didn’t attend every day. I only attended Friday and Saturday.


The event was held at Club Pittsburgh , which describes itself as a “private club that has been serving our city’s queer community since 2001”. It is a beautiful 5-story building with a steam room, a dry sauna, lockers and much more.

It is open 24/7 with a friendly staff, clean towels, and lots to see and do. It makes me wish I lived in Pittsburgh!

Here’s a quick tour of the space to give you a feel for what it is like:

The front door: Front door

Locker room: Lockers

Hot tub Hot tub

Private rooms for rent:Hallway

Your gym room fantasy: Gym

TV room: TV room

I liked the multiple big bate spaces. Here’s one example:

Event Room

Bate only

This was a “bate only” event. Any space designated as “MBC” was bate only.

Not all rooms at Club Pittsburgh were reserved by MBC. Regular customers were also using the club, so it was easy to wander into non-MBC space and play if that’s what you wanted.

Some guys hosted mini-parties in the local hotel, and those had their own rules.

I felt safe 100% of the time, in all parts of the club, as well as the hotel party I attended.

Chat room

MBC made excellent use of Telegram Messenger with multiple chatrooms for everything from official announcements, personal introductions, and ride-shares.

I saved a lot of $$ by sharing an Uber from the airport with another attendee that happened to be on the same flight!


After checking into my hotel and taking a quick shower I headed over to the event. It was only 2 blocks away. Google maps took me to the wrong side of the building, but I walked around until I found the entrance is on the side of the building.

New arrivals were greeted by friendly folks who checked us in and gave us our badge and goodie bag.

Badge and bag

The goodie bag included flyers about MBC plus a lot of swag from sponsors. Aside from the advertising flyers, a JO toy, and various other samples, everyone got a can of Travel Size Bator Balm lube! (There were cans of the stuff all over the event. Dare I say it was the only lube I saw being used at the entire event?)

The goodie bag was also your locker bag. As you can see it is numbered. You can fill it up with clothes and hand it to the bag-check person who would store it. Later you could pick it up.

I didn’t know what to bring the first night so I brought 2 changes of clothes and a bunch of other stuff. It didn’t fit in the bag, but the bag-check people took my usual bag plus that bag. On other nights I trimmed down what I brought to just the essentials; I could always go back to the hotel if I needed to change (for example, for the night-time dance). So, basically I just needed the bag to store my phone and what I was wearing to get to the club.

What did I wear? Well, I had brought a bunch of different things because I wasn’t sure what other people would be wearing. Most people were either naked or wore something decorative like a harness, jock straps, etc. I was naked except for flip-flops (I hate to walk barefoot in a gym) and a tiny mesh top (so I could tell people in the chat room “I’m the guy with the black mesh top”).

The volunteers were super friendly and helpful. I had a ton of questions and they answered them all without making me feel odd for being a first-timer.

The greeters also explained the rules and showed us where the changing room (locker room) was, etc.


MBC rules were all about consent and safety. I wish I had saved a copy to include here, but it was the basic “bate only”, “no means no”, kind of rules you would expect.

You were given a wristband that indicated your consent: red wristband: don’t touch me. yellow wristband: ask first. green wristband: touch me! I went for green.

Green wristband


Here’s a copy of the schedule. As you can see, the organizers made a great effort to have a wide-range of events: tutorials/instructions, group events, dance parties, and more!





What I did

I was only able to attend Friday and Saturday. Here’s a little about each thing I attended.

Fri: Come as you are: The truth about social nudity & masturbation

The speaker talked about his bate hobby and did a Q&A session where he answered questions ranging from asking him to describe his “bate den” to questions about how he integrates his solo bate life with his sex life with his partner.

Fri: Glow bukakke session with Domenic Hill

Domenic Hill is a hot, muscular, guy and he wants you to cum on him. He was on a bench in the middle of the room, surrounded by glow lights, with glow paint on his body. At least 50 attendees bated in the event room and were encouraged to “donate” their load. It was fun watching someone getting close, running up to Domenic, and aiming for his body.

Sat: No cum zone! Edging & Bondage Class with Sam Bridle & ICB

The co-hosts explained basic rope tying techniques, gave advice about tying up your partner, and plenty of safety tips. They even had short ropes we could use to practice with. They taught “the 2 knots everyone should know”.

They also had a vacuum bed that 4-5 people tried. That was fun to watch. Everyone said it was unexpectedly relaxing.

Someone did a demo of a milking machine and invited people to try it out. OMG that was fun! I might get one.

Sat: Adam x 2 with Adam Surge & Adam Chase

Two experts on frotting gave a demo and then… bam… 60 guys were frotting in pairs, circles, and small groups. OMG!

What I learned: frotting doesn’t just have to be about rubbing cocks. If you add nipple-play and massage it can be a whole body experience. Wow!

Sat: Handy How-To’s with YourGirlfriend

YG gave a tutorial on how to edge someone. He had lots of advice. The number one thing I remember was his advice that different parts of the human hand have different texture. Therefore, you can give very different strokes by using different parts of the hand.

He ended with a Q&A session and had tons of great suggestions.

Sat: Team milking and edging with “Edging Coach J”

I wasn’t sure what to expect with this. Coach J gave a 5 minute talk then everyone paired up (or made small groups) and edged each other. Everyone was so friendly!

I ended up in a circle of very friendly guys. Wonderfully friendly.

Sat: Fraternity Initiation Bukkake

This session was set up like a frat party fantasy with frat games like beer pong.

Then then “initiation” began and we hazed a (very willing) volunteer, which became a bukkake. There must have been 50-60 attendees. Even if they didn’t participate in the bukkake, I’m sure everyone had a good time.

More than just workshops

There was a LOT more going on than just the workshops listed above. There was bate fun all over the club the entire time. Not everyone went to workshops, etc. like I did.

I didn’t attend the dances each night (I’m not a late-night person) but I heard good things. Next year I’m definitely going to adjust my sleep schedule to be able to attend the late night festivities.

I did go to one of the impromptu hotel parties. 12 guys showed up. We sat in a circle watching porn and stroking each other… and more. I had a blast. Two blasts, actually :-)

Staffing and organizing

The staff was excellent. Friendly. Helpful. I was a bit confused about the check-in process because I was new to this club but the nice gentleman was glad to explain everything to me. He even gave a tour of the check-in area, lockers, and such.

The organizing was awesome. Jerod (the main organizer) did an amazing job! Everything was set up well, the volunteers and staff were experts.

There was no point in the weekend that I was thinking “gosh, this could have been organized better”. That’s high praise coming from someone who has organized small and large events (mostly not related to sex). I can get a bit judge-y when attend other people’s events and the line at check-in is long, when the schedule is confusing, when volunteers aren’t well-trained, etc. This event was as close to perfect as I’ve ever seen.

If there was one thing I would improve it would be to provide more info for people that weren’t familiar with the club. On the other hand, that forced me to explore it on my own.

Straight guys welcome?

The vibe of this event was very gay: a lot of gay (male) couples, a lot of older gay daddies, and younger 20s and 30s twinks, bears, and otters .

However as a bi guy I always felt comfortable and invited. I got no bi-phobia the few times I mentioned a female partner or called myself bi (not that there was a lot of talking). The wristbands (green: touch me; yellow: ask; red: don’t touch) were always respected. I was wearing a green wristband and felt like the entire weekend people were gladly stroking me or letting me stroke them.

Would a straight guy be comfortable? I don’t know. There were zero cis women and I only saw one trans women. If that’s what you would be looking for, this wasn’t the event for you.

However there is a growing movement of straight guys (guys that call themselves straight) that “buddy stroke” (mutual stroking with guys). If that’s your situation, you’ll love this event because the guys that will be stroking with are stroke experts. (Elaine explains ) And if you want to stroke alone, switch to a red wristband and just hang out or watch! You’ll also find the events that were more instructional about technique were enjoyable by all. Heck, if you just attended the technique workshops it would be well-worth the ticket price.

I think the organizers could attract a lot of straight/bi attendees by adding a few sessions marketed at them. For example a 2-hour “trans porn” event, or a “hypno gooner porn” session.

A number of women I know have told me that they wish they could have attended. I don’t know if women weren’t allowed in or if it just wasn’t marketed to them. However definitely 2 of my women friends would have attended if it was “all genders”.

Next year

MBC has already announced that there 3rd annual MBC will be in August of 2025. They haven’t announced the official date yet, but I’ve marked my calendar. I don’t want to miss it!

If you think you can’t afford to attend, here’s a little bit of advice: If you put aside a little bit of money each week, you’ll have enough. For example, most banks make it easy to set up sub-accounts for free. Set up an automatic transfer of $20/week to a sub-account. By the time the next MBC rolls around you’ll probably have enough for a flight, hotel, tickets, and meals.

I assume that most people reading this won’t miss the $20 but you will regret missing MBC. It was THAT GOOD.

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And if you are interested in MBC 2025, keep an eye out on https://masterbatorconvention.com/